Blog Rules:

1. No inappropriate language
2. No MSN text chat language
3. Only Proper English Language words - remember, this is just like being in your classroom but you are now online.
4. You must add blog entries that are meaningful and respond to my blog requests accordingly.

If you do not follow the above rules, your account will be deleted by your friendly neighbourhood homeroom teacher Mr. H : )

Happy New School Year!

Welcome back boys and girls! Summer vacation is now over and we're off to a great new start for the new academic year. I want to wish you all the best to a great year of learning. We will have fun and I look forward to being with the 2009-10 Grade 5 Graduating Class!

About Me

My photo
Markham, Ontario, Canada
[School] I am a grade 5 teacher at Randall Public School. I enjoy my job and adopt a work hard play hard mentality. Laughter in my classroom is my secret weapon to learning. I know what it was like growing up in elementary school. I had teachers that would give me a hard time for simply being a kid. Well in my class, I believe in reality based teaching. You can be yourself in my class as long as you do the's that simple. [Personal life] I love watching DVD's in my spare time, training Martial arts, and lifting weights to stay in shape. I eat healthy and enjoy laughing. Walmart and No-frills are my favorite stores. I love watching action and comedy movies. Reading non-fiction books is also a passtime of mine. I enjoy expressing myself in writing and look forward to maintaining this blog.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Favorite TV Show Rant

Want to Rant about your favorite TV Show?

So why not share the following using meaningful sentence structure (remember to give your reasons and explain your thinking with evidence):

  • name the show, the channel/network, times it's on etc.
  • summarize what the show is about in general
  • the genre
  • your opinion about why you like it, why you'd recommend it someone, or who you'd recommend it to
  • favorite episode...title of it, summarize the episode
  • Favorite character and why?
  • Connections to the show
  • predictions about future episodes or series
  • What are your likes and dislikes or opinions about the show? What would you like to see improve on the show?
  • If the show had deleted scenes, like in a DVD, what would it be? Describe the scene and/or give a dialogue or creative here.


  1. Pokemon! Its at 8:00 am! Channel 25! I would recommend this to anyone who loves Pokemon!

  2. Well Mr.Hanson I have a show that comes only saturdays at 7:30am so I have to put my alarm on. anyways the event happened was that in a old castle a man had made on a place where people say that ghost live on that area and when he lived there he disppeared.So there a shooting on that area so that night the actress and the actor went missing.So then there was a weakess to the ghost and it was a stone vase there two sides.One has the sun and the other was moon so the sun was there weakness but the moon was only givin them more energy.Also theres a place to place the vase so in the ending the actor and actress survived but the actress son was shuting the door and he also placed the vase on the moon side and now there in a very big trouble.So Mr.Hanson I will tell the rest tommorrow.

  3. Raahim, take a look at this sections instructions. You didn't include some details like the show name, the name of the episode etc.

  4. hey mr.hanson I think you shold watch channel 25 every sunday pm there is always new movies happening at that time bye.

  5. Guys, follow the instructions on this blog section...see the bullet points and respond with those expectations. Your reponses are way too easy...remember, you want to avoid Lazybumeritis!

  6. Gundam 00-Predictions
    Gundam 00 season 2 has just ended (you can only watch online or download the episodes for better quality), and the writer, Yōsuke Kuroda, and the director, Seiji Mizushima decided on a movie. In the last episode Allelujah Haptism (アレルヤ・ハプティズム ,Areruya Haputizumu) and Soma Peries left the Gundam Meisters to find why they're existing. I think that in the movie the Gundam Meisters call them back during some type of mission to eradicate war. Next, I think that Setsuna F Seiei will die because he's them main character and MOST anime main characters die in the last episode or movie.All in all, this is what I think will happen in Gundam 00 the Movie and I hope the movie will come to America or Canada.
    Matthew D

  7. Hi Mr.Hanson,
    There is a t.v show called ICarly on channel 25.Monday to Thursday its on at 6:30.The new epsoide is on at Friday 6:00.Also its on Sunday 10:30.ICarly is a t.v show about a girl named Carly Shane and a her friends Freddie and Sam making a webshow every week.My favourite character would be Carly Shane because she is a fun and always has great ideas about life.I would recommend this to people that loves comedy because this show has a lot of laughs like my favourite episode "Making Sam girly" which has alot of friendship and laughs.As I said my favourite episode was "Making Sam Girly".That was my favourite episode because that episode showed how friends help each other and how they care and it also show being yourself was the best thing you can do.I think if this show had a dvd and the delated scene would be the webshow.I think that because in the show they really don't show the webshow so I think that could be their delated scenes.All in all I would recommend this to the class.I hope you guys watch it.

  8. Steph and Matthew, wicked posts! Lots of detail and you followed my expectations! Honestly, it's not about just following instructions like a robot. If you think about what i am asking you to do, really, it's about delivering good quality responses, and you guys have done that quite nicely! Good job kids!

  9. Gundam 00 S2 Episode 25 Summary
    Gundam 00 season 2 episode 25 was the last episode of the Gundam 00 series. First of all the 00 raiser was damaged and Ribbons Almark went in the Reborn Gundam which had 2 GNdrives like the 00 rasier. The Reborn Gundam was beating the 00 raiser badly untill the Reborn Gundam had no more GN particles so it shut down. Since Setsuna thought the 00 Raiser was to injured, he replace the R2 Exia Gundam's GN drive with the one of the 00's. As well, Ribbons Almark stole the other GN drive and replaced it into the 0 Gundam. R2 Exia and the 0 Gundam battled it out until Exia used the GN sword 3 and sliced he 0 gundam's cockpit. All in all that was the main event of Episode 25 but smaller event happen too. I think everyone would like that fight especially you Mr Hanson.
    here it is:
    Matthew D

  10. Matthew, yes, you're right, I did like it, lots of action! Good review dude. See you tomorrow.

  11. My Favourite Gundam
    My favourite Gundam is the R2 Exia Gundam. It's no difference from th original Gundam Exia but for a few minor chages such as removal of GN stripes, different back skirt model, GN sword 3 and removal of GN daggers in the shoulders. First of all, the R2 Exia has the ability to burst out a pure batch of GN Innovator particles. Which maximizes performance and can past the Trans-am modes. Nextly, the R2 Exia has a cleaner look and is very fast. Lastly talking about the R2 Exia, the model HG is really dtailed and is even more articulated than the orignal Exia. All in all, this is why I favor the R2 Exia due to it's advance performance, cleaner look and high detail of articulation for the model and I hope one day when the Exia R2 comes out in July, I might get it.
    Matthew D
