Blog Rules:

1. No inappropriate language
2. No MSN text chat language
3. Only Proper English Language words - remember, this is just like being in your classroom but you are now online.
4. You must add blog entries that are meaningful and respond to my blog requests accordingly.

If you do not follow the above rules, your account will be deleted by your friendly neighbourhood homeroom teacher Mr. H : )

Happy New School Year!

Welcome back boys and girls! Summer vacation is now over and we're off to a great new start for the new academic year. I want to wish you all the best to a great year of learning. We will have fun and I look forward to being with the 2009-10 Grade 5 Graduating Class!

About Me

My photo
Markham, Ontario, Canada
[School] I am a grade 5 teacher at Randall Public School. I enjoy my job and adopt a work hard play hard mentality. Laughter in my classroom is my secret weapon to learning. I know what it was like growing up in elementary school. I had teachers that would give me a hard time for simply being a kid. Well in my class, I believe in reality based teaching. You can be yourself in my class as long as you do the's that simple. [Personal life] I love watching DVD's in my spare time, training Martial arts, and lifting weights to stay in shape. I eat healthy and enjoy laughing. Walmart and No-frills are my favorite stores. I love watching action and comedy movies. Reading non-fiction books is also a passtime of mine. I enjoy expressing myself in writing and look forward to maintaining this blog.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Writer's Corner

Have an amazing WNB (Writer's Note Book Entry) to share? Well, finally here's your chance to do it! Include your title, underlined, and a paragraph on any topic you like! Did I say any? Remember it can be a daily page, a song, a rap, a random thought, a feeling, a response to a prompt. Follow good paragraph structure, transition words, and check your spelling! Have fun....


  1. Life

    You know, I often wonder how life will pan out in the future? Most of the time, we are in the driver's seat so to speak. We can change our destiny at any time. If we keep a positive attitude, then and only then we can live a good life. Some people plan everything they do. For example, tonite I will do this, then do that, then this etc. Some people, just live day by day, not knowing what will happen, but just go with the flow. To me, it's important to plan out your day to some degree. For instance, I know that after school, I need to take care of my meals, my health, and put in some spare time for leisure activities such as working out, watching movies, talking to friends etc. Then of course, comes the chores! Boring!!

    In the future, life can be beautiful. I live by the famous quote: "Life is how you make it". This in my opinion, is totally true. What do you think? I'd love to know!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LB Disease
    I think that I'll never get affected by the LB disease because I do my homework regularly. I know this because Mr. Hanson calls me boring but when he first called me that, I thought I was in trouble. Nextly, I don't make up excuses for missing school because I don't even want to miss school! (you have to catch up alot when you come back anyways)Lastly, THE LB DISEASE IS JUST A GRADE 5 JOKE! I don't think if I ask a scientist "What's LB diesease?" I think he'll think I'm carzy. To conclude, It's "unlikely" that I'll get LB disease. However I want to find a cure... LESS HOMEWORK!!! Matthew D

  4. LB Disease
    I think that I'll never get affected by the LB disease because I do my homework regularly. I know this because Mr. Hanson calls me boring but when he first called me that, I thought I was in trouble. Nextly, I don't make up excuses for missing school because I don't even want to miss school! (you have to catch up alot when you come back anyways)Lastly, THE LB DISEASE IS JUST A GRADE 5 JOKE! I don't think if I ask a scientist "What's LB diesease?" I think he'll think I'm carzy. To conclude, It's "unlikely" that I'll get LB disease. However I want to find a cure... LESS HOMEWORK!!! Matthew D

  5. A great day
    Today, our school is in to a special day---Track and field. I am exiting about today's sports! I have going to the running field first. It was great, lots of students are there to running. I have got in a 7th place in the 800m and a 6th place in the 200m. The sad part is that I've lost my 6th place ribbon. But there is a fun part, that is I have bosted up when it's almost to the finish line, but eventuly I lost. At afternoon after lunch recces, the 'sports time' begin again. This time the boys goes to the field. I did a great job at the running long jump, but there still someone better than the best. I've lost, too. At the standing long jump, I did my best and tie with Brandon. But, because of I'm tired, so I lost. At the ball throw, I did with my full energy, but I know that P.J is better than me, I didn't get any ribbon on that one,too. All and all, I think this has been the best Track and Field I've ever had been these years, so I don't have any ribbons(eventruly I have one), I have alot of fun.

  6. Hi Mr.Hanson, i'm re-writing my track and field WNB, so here it goes:

    Hi Mr.Hanson, track and field was great! Even though I didn't get any ribbons I like all the events. I liked all the events I participated in, except for 400m, and standing long. Since after running 400m, I tasted blood, and my legs were so sore. Maybe it's because I ran to fast and for too long. After doing standing long jump, my stomach,ribs, and my back was so sore. Maybe when I jumped, I twisted my ribs,stomach, and bended my back too much. The events were great since doing them helped me exercise, and it was fun competing against others. All in all, this is why track and field events are fun to me, and why I didn't enjoy certain events much. Maybe next track and field, I'll get 1 or more ribbons!

  7. Anson, it's always nice to hear you had a great time...make sure you guys stretch regularly, otherwise you will injure yourself in physical activities. Tiger...awesome writing, you have come a long way both in running and writing.

    Matthew, you might be able to avoid the LB disease at school...but only your parents would know if you've been affected by the LB at home...hahahaha.....

  8. Keep writing your WNB's! Good stuff...i enjoy reading.

  9. daily page
    Today i had school in the morning, ate nothing also i had a fun soccer game. It was windy also I went home at 3:30, did my homework and now writing my wnb. i was playing my, and as today i play all way to 9pm. then i would sleep at 10pm, well bye!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Brandon...I hope you will write a more meaningful WNB, as well as, not play whatever is it you are playing until 9pm. This is unacceptable.

  11. "Why CHORES Are BORING And BAD"

    I am here to prove why "CHORES" is "BAD" and "BORING" because you are just doing work. Fristly,"CHORE" like washing dishes you just stand there and rubbing or cleaning dishes.I wonder how is that "FUN" standing there and doing something you don't like,why don't you play video games?Secondly,when you are cleaning the shelf,you may break something like a vase.Then your mom finds out that "YOU" broke the vase then "YOU" have to pay to buy that vase and you have to use your own money to buy it,its "BAD!"Lastly,i will prove a "CHORE" thats "BAD" like sweeping the floor.For example,sometimes there is lot of ducts and duct may go to your nose and duct is "BAD" for your body.To sum up,this is all the prove why "CHORES" are "BORING" and "BAD."I wonder if man likes chores instead women liking chores because mostly women does chores like washing dishes.

    From,Benson Gong
    Thanks,Mr.Hanson from your paragraph!

  12. Hi Mr.Hanson my WNB entry is going to be about how it is like to get taller and taller and taller and you get the point.

    ---BEING BIG---

    I am most likely the tallest person and one of the most strongest in our class. I really don't know why but I was born a giant,musculer and a cluts. My mom said that I use to NEVER sit still when I was a baby. So she put me in this springy-jumpy thing so when she was doing somthing she could put me there to jump. I unfortunatly I was there ALOT and grew very long legs. As the months passed I think I disliked it in many ways. Now if you look at my baby photos I looked quite serious...all the time. How I got strong is a different story. I use to HATE the bars on the baby bed. So I decided one night to try climb ot of it. it took a cuople of tries but I got out. Now I seemed to like this so I did this EVERY night. Next thing I know I hate the gard gate down stairs. That I unfortunatly could not climb out of but I had many attempts to try.
    AS you can see I grew up big. Hopfuly I will grow up being taller and more tougher than you(Mr.Hanson) :D


  13. Daily Page


    At track and field I was so excited to get a ribbon. So I take the 400m dash and I say that was for me. Because my leg was sore for 2 days of that much running "aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!".So when the race finished for the grade 5 they said to wait till every race is done so waited for 400m dash to finsh and the 100m dash.When the race was finished we started with the grade 4.Afterwards came grade 5 and also this was for the 400m dash so 6 place was Ibi then I was 5 place and I forgot about the 4 and 3 place guys but 2 was Smit and then Gregory.All in all this was my this was exicment for track and field. I really hope I get 1 or 2 in 400m dash for track and field.

  14. After I came home frome school I started doing my home work.Later, I started studying for my test.I studyed the parts of the digestive system, I studyed the organ's spelling,and then I forgot one of the chemicals needed in the digestive system!The 2 chemicals I already know is bile and the pancreatice juices.If anyone knows the ansewer can you please tell me beacause I wan't to get a good mark on the digestive system test!All in all,after I came back from school,I forgot an important fact and need every ones hlep!!

  15. Hi everyone! I just aet a few wasabi green peas and all I can say is WOW!This is what happened.My mom just came home from shopping and bouhgt me a tiny box of wasabi green peas.After, I thought that it will be to tiny to eat one at a time, so I aet 5!In 2 seconds I felt my face was turning red ,so I went to the washroom to wash my tongue and to see my face.When I got to the washroom I saw my face and it was red as an apple!

  16. If I could invent a holiday...
    If I could invent a holiday it would be called free candy day.Firstly free candy day is a day were the shops that sell candy gives a choice of free candy to the kids.Secondly this free candy day is 24 hours so kids can get candy all day. Thirdly adults, parents, and gaurdians are not allowed to stop kids from eating candy.Forthly parent,adults, and gardians are not allowed to eat candy.Lastly candy day is held in school so you can eat candy in school and you won't get in trouble.In conclusion free candy day can be a great day for kids because parents can't stop the kids from eating candy.In my opinion I think that candy day would be a great day for kids to enjoy themself without being in trouble.

  17. Toronto Blue Jays:
    This year I think the Toronto Blue Jays are doing good.Firstly Blue Jays has the best couch this year.Secondly the Blue Jays this year are the number one team because they got new players.Finally Blue Jays have the best players for example Alex Rios.All in all Blue Jays are the best team this year.I feel that toinght's game they will win because they are doing great this year!

  18. I'm going to re-write my paragraph that YOU deleted!!!!!!!

    ----TRACK AND FIELD----

    On Track and Field Day, I had a great time even though I didn't get a ribbon for each event(Even though that was my goal).I'm so happy that I got my first 1st place ribbon. I got it for the 400m race. At first,I was behind Desirae. Then, I started to speed up a little to get ahead of her. When I got 3-quarters around the soccer field,I was about to die because I couldn't breathe(Well,it felt like it). Afterward,I was so happy that I won the first place ribbon. This ribbon means a lot to me because it's the first 1st place ribbon I ever got and I finally reached my goal of getting a 1st place ribbon. If I wanted to have every ribbon, I would need to get a 2nd place,a 3rd place,and a 6th place ribbon because I already have a 1st place,a 4th place and 2 5th place ribbons. I got the 4th place ribbon for the 200m race and the 5th place ribbon for standing long jump.I got the other 5th place ribbon last year for the 100m race because that time, I was slow/sucked.To sum it up,I had a great time on the Track and Field Day. I hope that their would be Track and Field in High School because that way,I would have more chances of getting a lot of 1st place ribbons.


    The best teacher I had so far was Mr. Hanson he is a very free man he loves to be funny and make people smile. I certainly know that Mr. Hanson doesnt have a bad opinion on me I try to make him laugh to in class and let me tell you I can make him smile!!!! When ever there is a problem with some ones and my focus he takes care of it he knows how to take peoples minds beyond there imagination I like when he tells us to close our eyes and tell us a wonderful place or thing. All in all I think I could never stand leaving Mr. Hanson and our class. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Thanks Ab for the kind words! Seriously. However, just know that this won't get you that 4+ eh? Hahahah...kidding. Anyway, I appreciate your words. You are a nice guy to have in class as well. You should be going to bed man! Hope you studied for the Science test dude! Peace.

  21. Back on track and field day it went pretty well. It is much more fun than then last year. To me is because, this year we are aloud to sing up for 2 tracks BUT 3 FIELD! In my opinion, I like fields better because you don't waste much energy like for track you need to run around the big, grassy, fild with white line soccer field. When I was in the field, I felt like a baby ant. For me, I had signed up for 100m and 200m track and for field I signed up for standing long jump, running long jump and triple jump. But no ball through because, it's boring and I just hate it. In all of the event above, I wone for 3 event. 2ed place fortriple jump, 3rd place for standing long jump and finally, 4th place for 100m run. One thing i was a bit diss a pointed was i didn't improve in standing long jump:(. Last year i got the same place as this year on standing long jump, which is a 3th place. Anyways my parent were proud of me of what i had done and what i have got. Therefore, this year track and field is fun and i was proud of what i got.

  22. I am having a great time here! I just came to Phoenix and it is 40 degrees Celsius here! I arrived here at the afternoon and drove all the way to a Diamond Resorts hotel. The rooms are pretty big and my brother and I have our own room! I went to a buffet with my cousin and stayed there until 1 o'clock. They were still open because in Phoenix 1:00am is 10:00pm Toronto time. After we went to our hotel. In conclusion I am having a great time here!

  23. Cleveland Cavaliers:

    This year in the playoffs, the Cavaliers are easily the best team. They have swept the Detroit Pistons and the Atlanta Hawks. They have 8 wins and 0 losses and have won all the games by at least 10 points. That is unbelievable! They also have the best player in the NBA which is LeBron James. He can score 40 points in one game. Likely, the LA Lakers and the Cleveland Cavaliers are going too be in the final.All in all this is what i feel about the Cleveland Cavaliers.I think it is unlikely they will loose!!!

  24. Nel, nice WNB on Cleveland Cav's! LeBron is that good eh? Well, I don't follow B-ball, but I'm glad you do. Look forward to another sports review...keep writing!

  25. My Day

    Hi, Mr.hanson, Today i did not really do anything. All i did was watch t.v, do all my math and french homework. As you may know i usually have Saturday school but today was a p.a day. Because they canceled it because Victoria day is coming up very soon.So i then slept during the day and woke up late in the morning.Anyways i need to go now because i have music classes tomorrow. Bye mr.hanson.

  26. Thanks Jennifer! Sounds like you had a constructive day. In other words, you accomplished a lot. Well, make sure you enjoy Monday. Ask your family if they can take you to see fireworks somewhere? See you Tuesday.

  27. My trip to Down Town:

    There were many new,and exciting things/events I had never seen before here in Markham that i saw in Down Town. My family and me had to take so many subways, change to so many, other subways, and we also missed a subway! After we arrived there, we saw so much smoke, with alot of polices there. My grandpa said that "A long time ago, there was a war between Japan and Canada, and Japan bombed a whole lot of people of Canada, along with a big ship of Canada. So now, the polices are celebrating(not like yay!!!) the war ago, and those people who have died". Then, we walked around,had bubble tea, and ate pizza. Later,before we went to a hotel, we saw a "homeless person(hobo)". After, we went to the hotel so my mom can talk to a man about business(reason of going to Down Town). My sister and I looked around the huge hotel, played chess with each other, played computer, and alot more. Then, my family, and I went to visit my older cousin, but he wasn't there. So we explored Down Town more, and went back to Markham to have dinner (at a restaurant), and went back to home again. All in all, this is my trip to Down Town. One thing that made it enjoyable was watching a guy (painted silver) act like he was a toy/robot.

  28. My trip back from Phoenix:

    I came back from Phoenix at 12:07am and I couldn't believe how long it look to get back. We were supposed to come back at 10:00pm but there were a lot of delays or problems. First my brother was always complaining because he was hungry. Secondly since the airplane isn't a non-stop plane when we always landed we always had the hear:"Welcome aboard flight ( the plane number)" and we also had to hear the safety instructions over and over 3 times: 1 in Phoenix, another in Albuquerque, and the last one in Chicago. Lastly on the border line we had to wait 2 hours just to cross. If we didn't have any of that then we would've gotten home at 10:00 but the problems had to come. All in all this is my trip back from Phoenix. I think Canada is cold now because in Phoenix it's 40 degrees but here right now it's 14 degrees ( both in Celsius).

  29. After my baby sister woke up,and my mom camed home,my mom got cold and asked me/my baby sister to get her jacket.My baby sister brougt to my mom her jacket and I brought her my jacket!After my mom found out that none of the jacket fit her,I had to go to her room and get her jacket.When I came back my baby sister was dancing for no reason!!All in all we had a fun time after school.

  30. Swine Flu:

    I have many thoughts of the H1N1 flu. I'm scared that i'll die from it. So i wash my hand often. I think it was created by a a pig because it was too dirty. On the TV, ch 36, it said that there was 5 types of the H1N1 flu. But I don't know the names of the types. All in all, these are some of my thoughts of the H1N1 flu. I THINK i'm starting to have one because my stomach is hurting sometimes, and im coughing alot!

  31. Why winter is bad and good

    There is bad thing and good thing about winter.Fristly,it is bad because you get hurt.For example,there is ice on the gound so maybe you can't see it so you will slip down then hurt your back.Secondly,it is bad because you can get dirty from the snow or black snow.For example when you are walking on the side walk then the car went so fast then the black snow slash to your body the you get wet and black.Fristly,it is good about winter because you get to play.For example,you get to go outside and build a snowman and make snowballs ect...All in all,is this why winter is bad and good.Why does some contry don`t snow like Africa.

  32. My thoughts on the class pictures center

    I really like the format of the picture section. This is because you can see the picture and it is too small you can press on the picture and you can see a bigger version of the photo.the picture i like the most is the picture of me and another girl holding our hands together and i am touching the metal ball and you can see all my hair sticking up in the air. lastly i think that the layout/formate of the picture center is really well done and made.Thanks for putting the picture section on this blog site!

  33. My Maplestory Characters

    These are my three Maplestory characters. I finally leveled one up to level 20. My other accounts are level 183 and 121 both dark knight. So now I trained one and got him to level 20! So finally I got to equip new armour and weapons. Once I did in the 500s for damage but that's nothing compared to my other accounts. My level 183 account could do in the Thousands and my level 121 can also do in the thousands maybe both can do in hundred thousands. All in all those are my Maple Story characters.

  34. What it would be like drive a car

    There would be many fun advantages, and some disadvantages. Firstly, an advantage of driving is that go anywhere you want(except for when your parents don't let you). Secondly, another advantage is that when there is an emergency(which will hardly occur), you can go anywhere to solve/recover the emergency. Thirdly, another advantage is that you can help other people by driving them somewhere for some purposes/reasons. Next, a disadvantage is that "SOME" people will think your driving badly/"stubidly"(sorry for the inappropriate word, I don't know how to say it in a appropriate way) because your new to driving! To sum it up, these are some advantages and disadvantages to driving! I really wish I can drive a car soon, because I onced drive my mom's car(with my mom's help of course), and it was really fun!

  35. Driving a car.

    Yes Anson, with regards to your advantages...driving a car does provide you with a lot of freedoms. You can go wherever you want and see whomever you want to see. It's awesome. I remember the feeling of getting my license for the first time. I drove to the gas station by myself, and while I was doing that, I couldn't believe that for once I am actually in my parents car by myself without my parents there. Yes, I was driving their car and not mine. However, still, the feeling of being alone and driving independantly, was just fantastic. I remember the nerve-racking experience I had when I had to fill the car with gas also for the first time. I arrived at the gas station, drove up to the gas pumps, only to know that I drove up to it the wrong way! The gas hole was on the other side of the car! I was very embarassed! I looked around to see if other people were looking, and quietly pulled the gas hose over to the other side of the car, hoping that the hose would reach! I was successful, and finally filled up the car! Mission accomplished! Not only did i drive alone, but also filled up gas alone! It felt like a million bucks.

  36. If I only could be a kid again

    As an adult whose age is in the multiples of 20, wishing to be a kid again allows me to escape into a fantasy where life would be much easier, and the freedoms endless.

    Life is truely easier as a kid. Let's face it, you don't have to deal with paying expensive monthly bills. You would avoid paying for your cell phone, rent, groceries, mortgage, car insurance, house insurance, heating costs, water costs, property taxes, house renovations, house phone line, gym fees, and extra entertainment costs. Oh man! The list is endless sometimes! It all adds up to misery and grief on occasion. If you were a kid, all of these things are paid for, and so it all ends up being free! Did I say free? Are you sure I said free? I did say free right? Sorry, just being myself know how it is right guys?

    Now, on the topic of freedom, well, this may be up for debate, however, freedom as a kid is greater, because, you actually can have a simpler and freer life under your parents rather than being alone as an adult. For instance, you can play whatever you want when your homework is done. You can hang with your friends, and not worry about the pressures of adult life such as, paying bills, dealing with difficult people you know etc.

    All in all, being an adult sometimes sucks! At least that is how I feel from time to time. I do look back at my past as a kid and remember the good old simple days living at home. Kids, enjoy your childhood while it lasts. I'm not saying being an adult is totally bad, it just has it's down moments and I wish I were a kid on demand!

  37. If I could live Forever
    If I could live forever then I could do alot of things and not die.The first thing I would do when I turn 100 I will try to control a airplane.But I don't really know anything about airplanes so I would have to take school about pilots.The next thing I would do is become a resturant owner so I could stand near food everyday!!!But then I would have to cook a lot and pay for a place.The thrid thing I would do is the songs that I write I will give them to the greatest singer to sing.Then everything in my life would be complete.All in all those were the things I would do if I could live forever.I feel that even if I don't live forever and I do these things I will be happy!

  38. Exia vs Freedom Gundam
    Matthew C and I have been arguing about which Gundam is truly more superior, Exia or Freedom? I would say that Exia is better(in my opinion. no offense to Matthew C) because he is more highy developed and newer than Freedom. Next, Exia has the ability to go trans am which maximizes the performance of it. Thirdly, Exia is piloted by the best pilot in the GUNDAM UVNIVERSE, Setsuna F Seiei who can actually get over his emotions during war and concentrate on only the battle to eradicate (eliminate) war. Lastly Gundam Exia has many weapons such as GN sword, GN Vulcan, GN shield, GN beam rifle, GN daggers and GN beam sabers. All in all this is why I think that Gundam Exia is better and if Matthew.C you can reply and talk about the advantages of Freedom Gundam.
    Matthew D

  39. Hi Mr.hanson!My mom got my computer working yesterday and I went to the blog,but I did not get a chance to write about my thoughts because my mom needed todo something on the computer.A few days befor I took a look at the class photos and saw photos of the sience tip,Halloween,the arena,I saw a interview about Ashely,and I saw a photo of my mom.All in all ,I liked the class photos alot!!

  40. what i am looking forward to
    what i am looking forward to the track and field area meet on Monday June the 1st i am looking forward to this because i like to go to other places to go against other people from other schools.i am looking forward to this also because i want to have lots of fun there. and also i want to see other people there from other schools.

  41. List of Customized Gundams I did on this Weekend
    I have many Gundam Exias so i decided to customized one of them to become the coolest Exia EVER! First of all, I coloured the GN drive (with a gundam marker) green instead of have a black sticker wrapped around it. Next, instead if a yellow face mask, I coloured it with red mixed with a bit of black GUNDAM PAINT. Thirdly, the GN sword is now grey with a black edge. In addition, it's GN stripes are removed and finally, it has the foot guards removed. All in all, this is how I customized my GUNDAM EXIA but I wished my paint didnt smudged when I wiped it.

    My customized Astray Red Frame M1 ver.
    My M1 Astray was a no grade and had hardly any color so i decided to change it up with my GUNDAM MARKERS. instead of having a green V-fin, I changed it to black. Nextly, the redish black part was removed and I made it light red for a brighter contrast. Lastly, I panelled line the legs, arms and head with a black GUNDAM MARKER ULTRA FINE TIP. To sum up, this is how I much I changed the M1 Astray Red Frame and I'm really impressed of how nice it turned out.

    SD 00 Gundam Customized ver
    My SD 00 was very nice but afterwards i wanted a different look to it so I made it now quite different. First of all, the GN Drives were changed to a tranparent red colour instead of it clear. Nextly, the circles on the arms and legs were green before, but I now changed them to a dark red colour. Lastly the decal that says "MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM 00" was a transparent green but now red. In conclusion, this is how I made my SD 00 Gundam look different and I hope that there are going to bemore Gundams for me to cuztomized.
    Matthew D

  42. Matthew good stuff! Glad you worked on your speeches and DRA. Everyone should be doing this tonite...tommorow is a big day!

  43. If I was in Maple Story

    If I was in the pc game Maple Story I would kill monsters by myself and talk to people in MapleStory instead of typing to them. I would change the stats of my character by training in henesys. I would also go in a taxi myself instead of not seeing me in the taxi on the computer screen. All in all that is what I would do if I was in Maple Story. I think I would have problems getting out of Maple Story so I would still go with not being in MapleStory!

  44. If we lived underwater.....

    If we lived underwater it would be a big difference.Firstly towels would'nt be needed because we are underwater all day. Secondly I think everyone should have gils so we can breath underwater. Thirdly everyone would have to know how to swim or you would have a problems underwater.In concluding being underwater would be a problem for people because some people might not know how to would we be able to cook if water and fire don't mix?

  45. If I found a genie and got 3 wishes...
    If I found a genie and get 3 chances to wish for anything I want they well be:#1.I wish me,my family,and my friends can live for ever!#2.I wish I have a magical pencil!#3.I wish that I know every thing in the world!First,I wish me,my family,and my friends can live for ever because all of my friends and family members are nice to me and to everyone they know.Next,I will wish for a magical pencil because I will get a chance to draw out anything I want and I can bring it to life!It is almost like a genie,but I get more chances to get anything I wan't.Lastly,I will wish that I know everything in the world.I guess my brain will be like a dictionary after!All in all,if I found a genie I will wish for wishes that includes me,my family,my friends,a magical pencil and a brain that works like a dictionary!What would you wish for if you found a genie and why?

  46. Life as a hotdog:

    If I was a hotdog, I would have many disadvantages along with some advantages. Firstly, an disadvantage is that my body wouldn't be together, until the sausages is cooked, and is put in the hotdog bun along with sauces(ketchup, etc...). But then after that, I WOULD BE RIPPED UP IN TO PIECES, CHEWED, OR EATENED! Secondly, another disadvantage is if they were full but didn't finish eating me, it would be painful of me not having my full body and then being putted somewhere either alone or with some other stuff(food, etc...). Thirdly, another diadvantage is being hold on really tight(which seems tight for hotdogs but not for humans) by humans. Last but not least, an advantage is that being a hotdog will prevent us from doing things most children don't like doing(chores, taking care of things, doing homework, and etc...). All in all these are some of the advantages and disadvantages of being a hotdog. Even though being a hotdog prevents us from doing things children don't like doing, I would rather be a child for various reasons I would talk about in my next WNB.

  47. ______Piano Concert_______

    I'm going to a Piano Concert this Saturday.I go to a Music School called New Conservatory of Music. I'm very nervous. I hope that I get to the Finals so that I could maybe win a Scholarship. I would really like to win because last year when there was a concert, I didn't really do that good because I messed up at a part of a song called Fandango which you could tell that it was Latin-Tango, so I didn't get to the Finals. Only 3 people gets chosen to go to the Finals. I'm going to play 4 solos, and 1 Group Ensemble. My 1st solo starts at 9:00am and it's Jazz called Pink Panther. My 2nd solo starts at 1:00pm but they don't choose anyone for this section. My 3rd solo is at 1:45pm and it's Classical called Waltz in A Minor. My last solo is at 2:00pm and it's Latin-Tango called La Cumparsita. For the Group Ensemble, I'm going to play it next week at 10:20am and it's Rock n' Roll called Y.M.C.A. To sum it up, I'm going to a Piano Concert this Saturday and next Saturday. I think that I might get to the Finals for: La Cumparsita and Pink Panther because to me, it's easy to play. But because Waltz in A Minor is Classical, it's kind of hard but it is a very beautiful piece. This piece was Composed by Frederic Chopin.

  48. __________The Graduation __________

    The graduation is going to be very exiting.But it seams that this year pasted too fast.This has been one of the fastest year ever.This is going to be a great day but i am going to miss everyone in the whole class.I am also looking forward to the awards.So wish everyone to have a great summer and to always once in a while feed your brain with knowledge.

  49. The abacus compitition

    I am going to an abacus compitition on July 5th.
    I studied alot and can do 20 questions in 9 minutes. Since the judges are doing this compitition different than last time I have to get used to the method. By the way last time I got 2nd place. This method they give all 3 sheets at once and only give you 15 or 10 minutes to do them all. The person with the most done and correct wins. So the sheets they give are 1 adding and subtracting pages which have 15 numbers a questions. There are 10 questions which go like 13,678+4,589 and keeps going on. The second page is 1 multiplication page which have 20 questions which are like 5,678,876.89 times 0.045. But it's not so easy becuase you're supposed to do 1 question in 30 seconds but after the decimal place you have to have 5 digits unless it's a dollar sign question it's the same with the division questions. To find the position of multiplication you and the how many numbers there are before the decimal place same for division it's just that you subtract instead of adding. All in all that is what is happening in my Abacus compitition. Wish me luck!

  50. ___________Good News________________

    I have good news about the Piano Concert!!!!!!!!
    I'm going to get a Scholarship for the Piano Concert. It's for Waltz in A Minor. In my previous paragraph,I said that I might win for: Pink Panther or La Cumparsita. I also said that I wasn't going to win for Waltz in A Minor because it's hard. But my inferences were wrong because I didn't win for Pink Panther or La Cumparsita. I won for Waltz in A Minor instead. I just found out right now because when I was playing Waltz in A Minor, I couldn't stay until the end to see the results because I was late to play La Cumparsita. But, for the Jazz section, the judges chose 2 people that had mistakes. The other good news is that when my group was practicing for the Group Ensemble, the Principal heard us do a good job so, he wants us to play for the Award Ceremony and he wants me to play Waltz in A Minor at the Award Ceremony. To sum it up, I had good news about my Piano Concert. I'm very nervous to play at the Award Ceremony because my Piano Teacher said that there would be a lot of people watching and I get scared in front of a crowd so I'm scared that I might mess up like how I did for La Cumparsita.

  51. I just came back from the Award Ceremony!!! Yesterday at the Award Ceremony, my group won a 1st place Trophy! It was our first time doing a group song and my teacher said that it was unbelievable that we got a 1st place Trophy on our first time. Also, when I was playing Waltz in A Minor, I didn't mess up. I'm so happy that I got a 1st place for it. Today at the Award Ceremony, we went at 2:30 and it ended at 5:30. I was almost going to go to Canada's Wonderland with my cousins but I had to go to the Award Ceremony. They presented the Scholarships at the end so I could have went with my cousins instead of sitting for 3 hours! I got a Scholarship with $200. But the most money that they gave was $1000. Each month, we have to pay around $100 so my Scholarship would last for 2 months. If I got $100, then it would last for 10 months which to me is a long time. To sum it up, I got 2 1st place Trophies, and a Scholarship. I'll try harder next year to try to get $1000.

  52. for father day
    when i woke up the sun was shining and it was a great day to go outside and play. first i went down stir and did my 10 page of when my day was a wake we went to high park to play and go fishing. we got 6 fish but we let them all go because they were too small to eat. then we went and saw some animal and man did it smell like cow dodo . well all in all i enjoy the place we went and i wonder what they will give me for my birthday. i wish we saw more animal anyway.

  53. _____________The barbecue_____________

    When i woke up ,i heard my mom talking to my dad about the barbecue that we are having in the afternoon.I was so excited that i forgot to help my mom prepare ,but because there was alot todo so I was on time to help my mom.There for, I forgot to help my mom prepare for the barbecue that we are having in the afternoon!

  54. I still remember,in a beautiful Saturday afternoon on July 4.2009. Me, my family and my relative (aunty Candy, uncle Daniel and baby cousin Veronica) arrived at the town of Lindsay after 2 hours of driving. Lindsay is out of Toronto and it's a great place for fishing. And that actually why we came here for. Once I got off the car, i rushed to help my dad to get those fishing tools such as a box of fat, long, pinkey worm, 6 fishing rods, a blood red cooler, 2 black chair and a few bread. When I start to fish, i felt that i will probly at lesst catch 1 fish, no matter what is the size. But as the time goes. I felt that i wasn't the luckey person for today and i felt very bored of fishing event though it's my favourite event in summer. So i went to the playground with my brother. After 30 min of being like a little kid in the playground , i went back to fishing. i saw my uncle fish a 3 and a half pound big fish. that was amazing.
    and the following 1 hours he cought a 2 pound big fish and a small fish. That was wonderful. But let me tell yopu more about my uncle, Daniel. he loves fishing. he is just amazing in fishing as you can see what he cought on saturday. this you will never belive buti am just telling you that he had went ice fishing before when he is about 25. to me he is an a+ fisher. Around 9:00pm we left lindsay to a restaurant in toronto. when we arrived the restaurant at 11:00pm for dinner .when we got home it aready 12:00. when i went to sleep it aready 1:30am and that the end of my saturday therr fore none of us cought a fish except for my uncle. eventhough i didn't cought any fish i still have a great day.

  55. Thanks so much Deborah. Great story and description. It was as though I was actually there! Fishing is one of my favorite hobbies too. It is very peaceful yet exciting. I enjoy being near the water, hanging with friends, and waiting to catch a big juicy fish!
    Mr. H.

  56. Hi mr.hanson!!July 8 was my birthday!I had so much fun, but my mom and dad had a lot of things to do so i could not ask my friends to come.Today me and my family went charry picking!We found huge charrys!I think they were almost bigger than a toonie!We picked 2 larg baskets and 2 small ones!All in all,july 8 was my 11th birthday and me and my family went charry picking today!!

  57. Hi Mr Hanson, I'm pretty bored all summer because my every weekday routine is I turn on my PC in the morning and play DS or PSP until it's around 2:00 PM. Next I do homework that I had from leftover math class and wait for my dad to arrive home. Afterwards, my mom comes home so I eat dinner and does all these other things a normal kid would do in the evening. However, sometimes I go out and I look at Pacific Mall to see if the R2 Exia Gundam HG 1/144 is cheaper. All in all, this is my boring summer and I hope the tables turn around because I don't want to waste a summer.
    Matt D

  58. Mr. D, check out my suggestions or tips for how to have a good summer for Anson. I left this a while ago, I think it's in the Chat Central section. Check it out and I hope this helps.

    Well, as for my summer...i've been doing the following:
    1. Hanging out with my friends
    2. Training Martial arts
    3. Weight Training (lifting weights)
    4. Surfing the Internet
    5. Reading Non-Fiction and Fiction books
    6. Watching DVD's
    7. Planning my vacation
    8. Gardening
    9. Grocery Shopping
    10. Shopping at my favorite stores: Walmart and No-Frills, and T&T Grocery Store.

    So, as you can see, I have kept myself busy. Pretty soon, in a few weeks, I will start planning my new grade 5 year again. In my opinion, the summer is quite fulfilling and productive. If you are creative, you can always make up things to keep you busy.

  59. ~ My Terrific Winter/Christmas Break ~

    Hey Mr. Hanson, I had a Terrific Winter Break. I think it terrific because I am having such a great time, take a look! I had a 4 days 3 nights Winter Camp, go shopping, birthday party, play at my friends house, tobogganing and many more...!
    On Dec18 - Dec21, I went to my church winter camp. The camp was located in Teen Ranch. More about Teen Ranch go to .This camp is for all teens in the church. Teen Ranch is a wonderful pace to be. They serve you with fresh, healthy, juice food. The bunk houses are clean. There are many fun and safe activity such as, horse back ridding, campfire, skating, table tennis etc... During the camp, we have worship and bible study. There are 2 things that I will never forget. 1st: this is my first time learn to control a horse and actually experience it. And letting the horse run while me riding on it, it scary! My friend Jessica had fall off the horse but she was fine. 2nd: There are 55 people celebrating my birthday. It was quite embressing at that moment!:p
    On Dec22 ,me, mom, aunty Candy, and my baby cousin, Veronica. We went to fairview mall. Our main target was to buy some clothing. I brought 3 piece from the store "Garage". A grided scarf, a grided shirt and a redish pink sweater. I just love<3 shoping!
    On Dec23, I had invited 3 of my friend to my house to play and celerbrate my birthday(delated). They are Jenny, Sakshi and Jennifer. We played hide and seek in the bacement and eat pizza and birthday cake for dinner. That night was wonderful.
    On Jan2, I went to my church friend house to play and we went tobogganing in her back yard. Her backyard has a Big hill and her backyard is as big as our school gym. Well Jan2 is also a special day... My aunt, Janette had give birth to a baby name Simone. Yahoo! a new born cousin.:)
    UH... Tomorrow, it SCHOOL AGAIN! Anyways i like school. It late now. See you tomorrow! Happy new Year!:) byee!

  60. Thanks Deborah for posting. Glad you had a great break. Sounds like you had loads of fun. Well, good luck to a successful school year.
    Mr. H.
