Blog Rules:

1. No inappropriate language
2. No MSN text chat language
3. Only Proper English Language words - remember, this is just like being in your classroom but you are now online.
4. You must add blog entries that are meaningful and respond to my blog requests accordingly.

If you do not follow the above rules, your account will be deleted by your friendly neighbourhood homeroom teacher Mr. H : )

Happy New School Year!

Welcome back boys and girls! Summer vacation is now over and we're off to a great new start for the new academic year. I want to wish you all the best to a great year of learning. We will have fun and I look forward to being with the 2009-10 Grade 5 Graduating Class!

About Me

My photo
Markham, Ontario, Canada
[School] I am a grade 5 teacher at Randall Public School. I enjoy my job and adopt a work hard play hard mentality. Laughter in my classroom is my secret weapon to learning. I know what it was like growing up in elementary school. I had teachers that would give me a hard time for simply being a kid. Well in my class, I believe in reality based teaching. You can be yourself in my class as long as you do the's that simple. [Personal life] I love watching DVD's in my spare time, training Martial arts, and lifting weights to stay in shape. I eat healthy and enjoy laughing. Walmart and No-frills are my favorite stores. I love watching action and comedy movies. Reading non-fiction books is also a passtime of mine. I enjoy expressing myself in writing and look forward to maintaining this blog.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Healthy Snacks

Boys and Girls, here's some advice Ms. Ohl sent me about healthy snacks to eat. So i'd like to pass it on to you:

Here are some tips for smart snacking:
· Plan your snacks with variety, moderation and balance in mind
· Watch the portion sizes of your snack foods and beverages — remember a snack is a mini- meal to tide you over until the next time you eat
· To prevent overeating, don’t snack out of the box and avoid eating in front of the television or in the car
· Don’t leave home without healthy snacks — stock up at work so you are prepared for mid-day cravings
· At home, keep your healthy snacks within sight and easy reach
· Store less nutritious snacks at the back of the cupboard or better yet don’t buy them at all
· Read the Nutrition Facts table on any snack foods — aim for foods that are low in sodium, sugar and fat and higher in fibre

· Avoid processed snack foods such as donuts, cookies, muffins and chips
· Smart snacks include foods and beverages from 1 or 2 of the 4 food groups
such as:
o Fresh, canned or dried fruit
o Vegetables sticks and low-fat dip
o Low-fat yogurt and milk puddings
o Café latte with skim milk
o Plain low-fat popcorn, pretzels, baked chips, soy crisps or rice cakes
o Trail mix with whole-grain cereal, nuts and seeds
o Whole grain crackers and low-fat cheese
o Whole grain or oatmeal granola bars
o Cereal or cereal bars


  1. I have Chinese Fiber Cookies at home but they taste ok. But they have many seaweed peices inside.
    Matthew D (check my new picture)

  2. I drink tonnes of milk each day: about 2-3 MUGS
    each day!-is that okay?
    Also my mom most of the time at dinner I am eating lots of salad plus some lean meat using no oils, some whole weat/white bread and some 100% squeezed juice.I also eat lots of veggies at home like cucombers and peppers etc.
    I also go for soccer practice on Mon. and games on Wed. from 6:30- 7:30

  3. I usually have cereal in the morning, milk, and whole wheat bread. Is that healthy?
    I find my only problem is maybe having too much time in front of a computer screen that gives of radiation. Well then I guess I go off now.

  4. Mr.Hanson I always wonder because I eat a lot and I am still skinny whats happenning???

  5. I think being healthy is a good thing because you can be fit and live longer
