Blog Rules:

1. No inappropriate language
2. No MSN text chat language
3. Only Proper English Language words - remember, this is just like being in your classroom but you are now online.
4. You must add blog entries that are meaningful and respond to my blog requests accordingly.

If you do not follow the above rules, your account will be deleted by your friendly neighbourhood homeroom teacher Mr. H : )

Happy New School Year!

Welcome back boys and girls! Summer vacation is now over and we're off to a great new start for the new academic year. I want to wish you all the best to a great year of learning. We will have fun and I look forward to being with the 2009-10 Grade 5 Graduating Class!

About Me

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Markham, Ontario, Canada
[School] I am a grade 5 teacher at Randall Public School. I enjoy my job and adopt a work hard play hard mentality. Laughter in my classroom is my secret weapon to learning. I know what it was like growing up in elementary school. I had teachers that would give me a hard time for simply being a kid. Well in my class, I believe in reality based teaching. You can be yourself in my class as long as you do the's that simple. [Personal life] I love watching DVD's in my spare time, training Martial arts, and lifting weights to stay in shape. I eat healthy and enjoy laughing. Walmart and No-frills are my favorite stores. I love watching action and comedy movies. Reading non-fiction books is also a passtime of mine. I enjoy expressing myself in writing and look forward to maintaining this blog.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Quote Of the Day

This is a place where you can place famous quotes you have. I encourage you to discuss the meaning of the quote and provide evidence for your thinking.


  1. I think this means Mr.Hanson that you have one time of life and only one, so we should take of it and be very careful and that I think is the defn of qoute the day I hope you post the answer tommowor.

  2. Ok, here's one...Discuss the meaning of "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"

  3. I think the defn for that is. That a person that is very sick does not go to school for a day.Also Mr.Hanson gave me more I like these quotes.

  4. Well i think that means.That a sick kid is away from school for day.Well that was nice anyways Mr.Hanson why don't you keep on givivg me new quotes as a changenglle Mr.H

  5. it means... if u keep your body healthy, you'll live longer???(just a guess) matthew d

  6. Well Mr.Hanson I think the defn for that is if you are sick then you will be away for a whole day because an apple a day equls, sick person away for a day and the keeps the doctor away means you are away for a day.

  7. Mr.Hanson,

    I think it "An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away" means that if you eat an apple each day you don't need to go to the doctor because an apple is an heathly fruit for your body.




  9. What do you think this quote means "Live as if you were to die tommorow. Learn as if you were to live forever." It's Ms.N by the way :)

  10. Ms. N, thanks for the quote. Here's my interpretation of it:
    The first part of the quote, "Live as if you were to die tommorow", means that you must live life to the fullist and do as much as you can, enjoy as much as you can, as if you were to die tommorow. Although this seems sad and nerve racking to think about dying, it is a good philosophy because then you would not waste time. In addition, if you would live life as if you will die tommorow, you'd probably want to eat like a pig foods that you normally would not be able to eat. Such as, if i knew i'd die tommorow, man...i'd pig out on the juiciest, fattest, thickest hamburger...ya, i said it...even if it had a makeover!...kidding.

    Anyway, the second part of the quote,"Learn as if you were to live forever", means that you should never put a limit to your learning. That is, one should always learn infinitely, and never stop, just as if you would live forever.

    BAM!...take that...and that...and that...."dsh, dsh...dsh"...verbal martial arts baby...what can i say...when you're good you're good! muahahaha.....evil laugh!

    Boys and girls....i hope you are learning from this response!...seriously....

    Nice quote Ms. N!

  11. Mr.Hanson I chanllenge you to find out the defn of: "if there is a will theres a way" and I will tell you the answer tommorrow also other people can try this out if they want to.

  12. Life is like riding a bicycle. You don't fall off unless you plan to stop peddling.

  13. Raahim...your quote is a famous one! Good choice. It means that you must be "willing" to do things. If you are willing or determined, then anything is possible, thus creating a way or path to solving a problem...any problem! Wicked quote man!

  14. Benson...good quote as well. It means that you must keep going and keep yourself busy.
    Only then things will get accomplished and you will go places, like riding somewhere. Is this right?

  15. We should eat natural organic food, like an apple and it will help us to be healthy. Also, apple is not an expensive fruit, so it means we don't have to pay a lot or eat expensive food to be healthy. All we have to do is to eat ordinary fresh food and we will not be sick.

  16. My parents always tell me to live in the present, because there is nothing we can do about the past and the future, so to live like there is no tomorrow is to live in the present and not wasting a second of your life. Let's not stop learning is what I think is the meaning of the second part.

  17. Mr.Hanson,

    Your right and"You don't fall off unless you plan to stop peddling"it means that you stop your live or plan unless you plan to stop.

  18. Good interpretation Gregory! I think you're right on the money with that one!

  19. "Let muddy water stand still, and it will eventually clear" (author unknown).

    Boys and girls, can you tell me what this means?

  20. Mr.Hanson I don't know meaning of that, its tricky one so I will answer back later if I know the answer to that one. HHHHMMMMMMM

  21. I think that the quote "Let muddy water stand still, and it will eventually clear" means that when you be lazy you can't do the best to clean yourself or the thing that your suppost to be donig.So I think it means do the best you can.

  22. Hi Mr.Hanson. Try to guess what this means:" When you loss to something you learn more things"

  23. I think the meaning to" When you loss to something,you learn more " is that when you lose something, then you learn something new about it.I think that because once, I lost my indoor shoes and it was expensive.Then one day when I was changing shoes, I noticed that my shoes were gone. So i learned that not to buy expensive shoes that are kept as indoor shoes because someone could maybe take your shoes.

  24. I agree with Rebecca. Losing anything does teach you lessons in life. Losing marks, a pen, pencil, shoes, trust in someone, and even a friend, does teach you lessons. Think about it, when you lose whatever, you think about why you lost it, what it means to you, and how the loss effects your life. In addition, you also think about how you could have prevented the loss. Moreover, you learn to appreciate what you have already. So losing things, as Rebecca mentioned does teach you valuable lessons in life. So, lets start losing everything and learn lots!! (just kidding).

  25. "It's not how good you are, It's how good you want to be"

    -Paul Arden
