Blog Rules:

1. No inappropriate language
2. No MSN text chat language
3. Only Proper English Language words - remember, this is just like being in your classroom but you are now online.
4. You must add blog entries that are meaningful and respond to my blog requests accordingly.

If you do not follow the above rules, your account will be deleted by your friendly neighbourhood homeroom teacher Mr. H : )

Happy New School Year!

Welcome back boys and girls! Summer vacation is now over and we're off to a great new start for the new academic year. I want to wish you all the best to a great year of learning. We will have fun and I look forward to being with the 2009-10 Grade 5 Graduating Class!

About Me

My photo
Markham, Ontario, Canada
[School] I am a grade 5 teacher at Randall Public School. I enjoy my job and adopt a work hard play hard mentality. Laughter in my classroom is my secret weapon to learning. I know what it was like growing up in elementary school. I had teachers that would give me a hard time for simply being a kid. Well in my class, I believe in reality based teaching. You can be yourself in my class as long as you do the's that simple. [Personal life] I love watching DVD's in my spare time, training Martial arts, and lifting weights to stay in shape. I eat healthy and enjoy laughing. Walmart and No-frills are my favorite stores. I love watching action and comedy movies. Reading non-fiction books is also a passtime of mine. I enjoy expressing myself in writing and look forward to maintaining this blog.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Question Center

Tired of being confused? Do you feel all alone not knowing how to do your work? Well, never fear, Mr. H is here to save the day! Send me any questions you have about school. Something you don't get, problem with homework or an assignment, tips you need for an assignment etc.


  1. Ashley..good questions....well, Blog is a program and with every program, there is an instruction manual. Weather changes daily, that's why it's unpredictable sometimes.

  2. HI Mr.Hanson,

    Ashely made me think of,whats makes rain to rain?

  3. Benson...huh? What makes rain to rain? Not sure if I understand you? Rephrase your question.

  4. Are you still trying to find the Mutts comic strip?

  5. Mr.Hanson,

    I mean what makes the rain at the sky?The other rain means the rain that fell to the gound or earth and it is not a qestion.


  6. Matthew, yes, still trying to find the Mutts comic strip through gadget add feature, however, i might just search for it online and include it as a web link here...can you find an appropriate Mutts comic strip site for me? This is open to anyone...thanks.

  7. PJ for homework...most important is to study for Digestive system test. Study all the digestive sheets in your duotang. You must also do a topic brainstorm for your teaching page. Ask your classmates more can post questions on this blog or simply text them.

  8. Benson, we answered this question about the rain when we did the "Tong Yuen" experiment in class. Remember how the water droplets formed on the bottom of the steel pot cover? What change of state is this?...anyone?...anyone?.....

  9. PJ, You know for the teaching page topic? We made a brainstorm but you can chage your topic if you want or keep the same. Then we can start a new web or edit. Study for science test and blog Mr H with a paragraph structured WNB
    Matthew D

  10. Mr.Hanson are we going have gym on tueday???

  11. Thanks Mr.Hanson,

    the state is liqiud state because the steam is gas then water is liqiud,so it is liquid state.

  12. Mr.Hanson, why is there air on earth and not in space?

  13. Mr.Hanson you said there is going to be a dictionary section but where is it? Hmmmmmmmmm.

  14. Raahim, scroll down to the bottom of the blog, you'll see the Word of the Day, click on it, and you'll get the dictionary.

  15. HI PJ,

    The homework for the week is mms page 384-384 Qestions 1-4 and mms page 387-388 Qestions 1-5

    okey PJ-Benson Gong

  16. Mr.Hanson,

    I think that you have delete the dictionary thing,because there is only the Kraft Foods Recipe Finder

  17. Benson, the dictionary gadget is found underneath Garfield comic

  18. Mr.Hanson, can we use wikipeadia for the teaching page printouts?


  19. Hi Mr.Hanson um where is the mutt comic strip I sended the link to you right

  20. How come our world is moving but we can not feel it moving ? Also when the earth is moving is that how it forms gravity?

  21. Good questions Jenny. I know some of the answers. However, I will only give you a hint to your answers. First of all, we don't feel the effects of the Earth's movement because it moves very slowly in 24 hours. As for gravity, well, the moving has nothing to do with it! Nice guess though! Gravity has to do with the big size of the Earth. Why not look it up on the internet, then summarize your answer to us here on the Blog?

  22. hi everyone!I have 2 questions for you!

    #1:You will have to take away 1 line and use that line to add to a plus sign to make this question true.Remember after you take away and added the line,your answer will be 30.
    Also,you can not take away or add to the equal sign and the answer(30)!

    #2:This time you can add one line any where you want in this math question to make it true!

    HINT:Make 1 of the plus sings in both questions into a 4!!
    If you know the answer send it to my gmail.
    My gmail
    (If you know the answer do not tell anyone!Thank you!)

  23. hi mr . hanson do you know a funny way to say EQAO?

  24. Should I change my maple sword using 1000 or 2000 maple leaves to a maple rohen(for lvl 64), or should I just buy one on basilmarket for 230k which is 230,000(really less, not showing off).

  25. I looked in the writers corner and I saw something that said "boys and girls please post your WNB or something like that here"
    What is a WNB?

  26. Hi Mr.Hanson,

    Do cows real have 4 stomach?I ask that because someone told me that cows have 4 stomach but i don't belive that.

  27. Hey Jonathan, a WNB is just my short form for a Writer's Note Book entry. It's a place where you can freely express yourself in writing.

  28. When is the teaching page title page due? Also so we bring in materials on Friday?

  29. Mr.Hanson, is the title page for teaching pages due on the same day the model is due? Also, do we have to bring our model's materials in?

  30. The title page is due on the same day as the report and model. Sorry, my bad, I guess I didn't put the date up on that...oops!

  31. For the model are we allowed to use lego peices for the T.V.?

  32. hi mr hanson is there an sheet for mms page251 number 5 answer back

  33. PJ, no, there is no sheet for MMSp.251. Just do the homework and get better. So what did the doctor say?

  34. Hi Mr.Hanson,
    You know our WNB and JR,when will you be checking them?Because I some really good ones that I want you to read

  35. Hi Mr.Hanson,
    For the science project,do we plan the outline on line piece of paper for homework?

  36. Stephanie, you can plan it on paper yes.
    Also, show me your WNB and JR entries. I can't wait to read them!

  37. Mr.Hanson, is the rough copy, like the writting, of the "human body map" assignment due tomorrow?

  38. Hi Mr.Hanson!!
    You know how you said that you wanted to see my trophies? I got 4 of them. 2 of them are big and 2 of them are small. So do you want me to bring all of them or just some?

  39. HEY MR. HANSON i was wonder can everyone in the class bring something to the last day of school for a gift or something.

  40. William, you can bring a gift to anyone you like.

  41. i have a question mr.hanson

    did u get your new house this summer yet?

  42. when are you going to put the graduation pictures in the class pictures section?

    can you please put then ASAP?

    thank you


  43. Jennifer, how's it going? Thanks for blogging me. No, I haven't bought my new house yet. Thanks for remembering though. I stopped shopping because the prices now are quite expensive. Maybe, when I start up teaching in September I will look again. Yes, when I get an opportunity I will post up the grad photos. Thanks for the reminders.

  44. Hi Mr.Hanson, for art, do we just outline our picture with the markers or do we colour them in with our markers?
